Monday 8 February 2016

Thriller Conventions - Osbert Menezes

What is a Thriller?

A Thriller is genre of film that has one primary goal of keeping the audience on the edge of their seats throughout. This is done with multiple cliff-hangers and twists in the plot of the film. Thriller films are also defined as films in which the main protagonist is always on a mission, a mystery or escaping something or someone. The genre tries to empathises danger and so creates this edge of the seat feeling on the audience.

Some generic conventions of a the thriller genre-

  • Suspense
  • Plot twists
  • Action
  • Low Key Lighting
  • Quick Cuts
  • Shadows
  • Suspense building music
  • Changes in shot angles
  • Internal human sound effects like breathing or heartbeat sounds
  • Dark colour scheme
  • Dark twisted Antagonists

The following are some examples of thriller films...

Thriller films usually have lots of action and intense scenes where lots goes on at a given time. Shots can be fast or slow but always try to create a tense atmosphere for the environment. The use of sound in thrillers also does this. One of the more famous examples of this is the in the film "Jaws" (Spielberg, 1975) and its iconic theme tune which build suspense and keeps the audience on the edge of their seat.

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