Monday 1 February 2016

Preliminary Task Evaluation - David McConnell

Original video


We were tasked to produce a short film that showed specific skills and actions. The film would need to show continuity editing, match on action, the 180° rule, shot reverse shot. These were all included in our film.
Match on Action

This is where one shot seamlessly cuts to another. Here we can see that as the character walks through the door, the camera moves inside and we see him walking through.

180° rule and shot reverse shot

The 180° rule is where the camera stays on one side of the conversation. As is shown in the picture below, the bottom three cameras show the pink person on the left and the blue person on the right but the top camera would show the blue person on the left and the pink person on the right. We used the 180° rule with shot reverse shot. Shot reverse shot is when the camera switches between the two characters while they are in a conversation.

180° rule


We had limited planning for this so the pre-production was rushed as we didn't have enough time.


We were unable to create a storyboard which meant the two films we created (we were split into two groups to create two films) turned out very different

Example storyboard


We quickly decided that we wanted to do something in the spy genre as we were able to construct our film in any genre we wanted and we felt this would enable us to cleverly include each aspect we needed. On our way to the location we quickly planned out what the story would specifically be.


Having being limited to the school grounds, we prioritised going somewhere with little background noise. This led us to the seats by the bike shed. This enabled us to continue and adapt our story as we moulded the script around the various locations.

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