Monday 15 February 2016

Audience Research - FDA Website - Group

Which Age Rating is most successful for a Thriller?

Top 10 biggest box office figures for thrillers in the UK-

From these statistics I found that 12 is the most successful age rating for a thriller film as 6/10 (7/10 including 12A rating) of the highest box office thrillers were 12 rating. On the other hand the top 2 thrillers have both been 15 ratings and so could show that a 15 film can be potentially more successful than a 12.

Opening weekends for recently realised thrillers in the UK-

As of recently, the thriller genre has been releasing titles at the upper end of the age spectrum. 4/5 of the thrillers above are for older teenage demographics and have had quite successful incomes from their opening weekends.

Anticipated thriller films after February 2016-

These are some of the more anticipated films to come out in the recent future and shows their age ratings. This shows how there is a mix in the levels of age ratings of the films which are soon to come out. Two of the films are still unconfirmed (at the time of this post) on their rating but I expect both to be 12 as the last ones in their franchises were 12s.

Chosen Age Rating-

From our research, my group chose to give our film a 15 rating. This is because we felt that picking a rating that was too high like an 18 would mostly limit your audience by quite a lot and having a lower rating like a 12 would limit what kind of things we are able to do (eg. bloodier violence, language and any other mild inappropriate content that the film might contain), as we would not be allowed to have some things that would otherwise be allowed in a 15. An 18 would limit the audience too much because most people that watch films are under 20 and limiting that to only people over 18 would reduce the audience by too much to make enough return revenue from the film, this is why we picked the 15 rating.

Sources form which I collected my information-

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