Wednesday 30 March 2016

Evaluation Q2 - Osbert Menezes

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Opening for "Memory"-


Similar characters to the protagonist from real media products...
"The Narrator" from "Fight Club" (Fincher, 1999), "Chris Gardner" & "The Pursuit of Happyness"(Muccino, 2006).

These characters are similar to the protagonist in "Memory" as they are both depressed, and mentally weak characters that suffer from a lot of emotional problems. They are easily manipulated and experience a large amount of hardship. The protagonist in "Memory" follows the conventions of a depressed character also by his body language. His body is very closed and head looking down. This can give a vibe of a depression or contemplation of a bad thing that has made him broken.

The protagonist's characteristics conflicts male stereotypes as he is not shown to be very confident or strong. The male stereotype is to be a dominant character that is strong and brave but the protagonist in memory is shown a damaged, weak and lacking in confidence.

Group Analysis of the Protagonist-


Similar characters to the antagonist from real media products...
"Bane" from "The Dark Knight Rises" (Nolan, 2012), "Ghostface" from "Scream" (Craven, 1996) & "Kylo Ren" from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (Abrams, 2015).

These characters are similar to the antagonist as they all ware masks to hide their face. This creates a sense of mystery and hides the characters inner emotion. They ware in as a statement to strike fear into the protagonist. Similarly the antagonist also hides his face to strike fear and also to hide his inner emotion. Unlike the protagonist, the antagonist has a very open body posture which shows confidence and might also be used to scare the protagonist.

The antagonist's characteristics conform to the male stereotype as he is shown as confidant, strong and powerful. These are stereotypical tropes associated with male characters who are see to be very dominant and powerful which from the opening the antagonist is shown as having by the way he dominates the protagonist in the interrogation scene.

Group Analysis of the Antagonist-

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