Wednesday 30 March 2016

Evaluation Q1 - Osbert Menezes

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products?

9 Frame analysis-

Production/ Distribution Logos-

One way out film "Memory", mirrored the forms and conventions of real media products was through the production logos at the start of the opening. Production logos are used in almost all films and are used to credit the companies involved in the production and distribution of a film. The companies used in our film were Dave & co. Productions, Black hole Productions and Quad Films. These are displayed at the beginning of a film or during the opening sequence of a film. These logos are usually animated and not still images of the companies logo, that is why these were animated in the opening for memory. The following are the animations of the logos from the opening of the film.

The following are some examples of popular companies in real media products include Summit Entertainment, 20th Century Fox and Pathe Distributions. Logos like these are the places we took inspiration from when it came to the making of the logos for opening sequence.
"Movie Production Intro Logos Part-2" in HIGH DEFINITION - 2011


The characteristics of the protagonist in "Memory" is show to conform to the conventions of protagonists in real media products. The character is show as being weak and under the control of the antagonist, just like in many generic thriller plots where the protagonist gets captured and controlled by the antagonist. The antagonist's character is shown as having power in the opening of the film. This works like the same as in many thriller film today, where the antagonist is the one in control and a haunting figure for the protagonist.

Neither the protagonist or antagonist show their face in the opening for our film. this is to create mystery within the sequence. This conforms to many thriller film not revealing much at the beginning of a film. Many films like to keep stuff hidden and saved for the build up during the middle of the movie, in this way it conforms to movie conventions of not revealing too much in the opening.

The first person interrogation scene in the opening of "Memory" (above) is similar to many other Thriller from the past. It follows the same convention of thriller film in which the protagonist gets tortured or manipulated while being tied up to something. This was shown in "Casino Royale" (Campbell, 2006), "Hostel" (Roth, 2005) and "Syriana" (Gaghan, 2005).
Top 10 Torture Scenes

Credits/ Title-

'Memory' - Dave & Co. - AS Media Studies Final ProjectMany films today find clever ways to display the opening credits to make them a little less "boring". An example of this is the "Kingsman: The Secrete Service" (Vaughn, 2015) opening found a clever way to display their credits by making the rubble that is falling off a damaged building turn into the credits. In this similar way we decided to find a clever way/ place to display our credits and so decided to use the stairs them selves as places to display the credits. This is a way we conformed to the conventions used in real media products when it came to displaying the credits.

The titles sequence was slightly different to the forms in real media products as we displayed the title text on a black screen. Although many do this, most films today use an background when displaying the title. We did conform to real titles by animating the title and giving it a red streaks that goes across the wording. Below are some example of real titles compared to the title of "Memory".
'Memory' - Dave & Co. - AS Media Studies Final Project


In terms of Mise-en-scene, the opening of "Memory" does challenge many of the conventions of the thriller genre. One way that the conventions were challenged was from the lack of props in the background of the scenes in the opening. This challenges the conventions as most settings would have props in the background to give the area character and identity while from our background not much was told from the setting.

These are selected scenes that have the same stuff in them. The left is a shot from "Memory" and the right is a scene from "The Sixth Sense" (Shyamalan, 1999). Notice how the scene from the real media product (Sixth Sense) contains more props in the background to give the setting more of a character while ours missed a lot of this in the background. This is one way out film did not match the conventions of real products and could negatively effect how our opening could look.

Another aspect of the mise-en-scene that challenged the conventions of real thriller products was the lighting. Our lighting was mostly natural and only the flashback scenes used unnatural light. Many generic thriller's use artificial lights or very little lighting to create a darker mood and most are usually very serious and dark story lines. even though our storyline was quite dark as well we chose to use natural lighting to make things clearer to see and to give sense of "things not being like what the seem".


The soundtrack in the opening extract is slow and builds tension. This conforms to the conventions of the thriller genre as many film use similar soundtracks to build tension while still being quite slow. "Jaws" (Spielberg, 1975) is a very famous thriller example of this, where the music plays a key role in creating tension and is one of the places we got this idea of having suspenseful music for our opening. This is how the sound conformed to the conventions of the sound in thriller films.

Director's Commentary-

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