Friday 8 April 2016

Evaluation Q4 - James Presland

Who would be the audience for your media product? Include audience feedback.

Memory Opening:

Target audience 

The target audience for our film was the age category of 15 - 25. The film was rated as a Film because of the nature of psychological thriller can be disturbing so this means it is only suitable for mature audiences.

Survey for feedback on Opening and Poster of memory:
This was a survey of 20 random people ( not media students ). The survey is based on their decision after seeing each extract to whether they would choose to see the film or not.
The number of people who would see the film after the viewing the opening : 15
The number of people who would see the film after the viewing the Poster : 17
The number of people who wouldn't he film after the viewing the opening : 5
The number of people who wouldn't he film after the viewing the Poster : 3

This graph clearly shows that most people found the poster more effective at persuading them to see the film.However , the Opening does have a strong majority in favour of viewing the film.

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