Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Group work - Rule of thirds & Microphone Testing

Here we can see two pictures that show the difference between using the rule of thirds and not. The rule of thirds is a term used by photographers and film makers in which the image is located in specific locations. The first image shows the guide lines that would appear on the camera screen and the second highlights the points where the guide lines cross. The aim is too position the camera so that the interesting objects are positioned on the lines or on the points.

Rule of Thirds in Photography
Guide lines
What is the Rule of Thirds
Intersection points
We had successfully done this as the following two images show. The first shows the person on the right guide line with their head on the intersection point and the second shows the person not directly on any of the key lines or points.

Picture using the rule of thirds

Picture not using the rule of thirds

We had found that the images that used the rule of thirds looked the best so we would use these skills in our final opening.

As well as using the rule of thirds, we experimented with the rode microphone that was given to use. Here are the three videos we filmed.

Video with out rode microphone

Video with rode microphone on

Video with rode microphone on high setting

As you can here, there is a clear improvement with the rode microphone on, and an even better improvement with the microphone on high setting. This showed us that we should be using the microphone on high setting when filming our opening. 

(Side comment - When planning our opening, we didn't want to use any speaking so in the end we didn't use the rode microphone)

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